Saturday, October 17, 2009

Google Sheets

Using Google Sheets can be an invaluable tool for you, not only as a future teacher, but as a MAT candidate. Google Sheets allows you a lot of the same functionality as Excel, but as with other Web2.0 tools, it is housed online and you can share your work with others.

As a class, let's look at a sample: Student Test Scores

Now, that we've looked at some of what Google Sheets can do, please complete the following:

1. As per the instructions, analyze the Student Test Scores sheet and create meaningful chart(s) of student progress.

2. Submit your completed assignment by sharing it with your instructor (as a co-editor). Note that if you had completed this project in Excel, then you could have uploaded your completed assignment to Google Sheets and then shared it with your instructor (co-editor).

3. Create a new Post on your class Blog that either embeds the sheet. Reflect/analyze the results and trends from your statistics and charts.

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